Thursday, September 21, 2006

XXIX. What People Argue About in Heaven

Artist: Danny Birchall
Location: Russell Herron's desk in the mezzanine
Medium: Jessops 6x8 'Lustre' print, 80gsm paper, laser toner
Comment:The photo is of two tiny snowmen near the top of Mt Misen.

The text reads:

At the entrance to heaven, your life is analysed in a very singular manner. All that you were to other people is checked and summed, and all that other people were to you is likewise calculated and determined. One is subtracted from the other, and a score is given. It is positive if you meant more to others than they to you, and negative when vice versa. Your number is objective, immutable and eternal. The political discourse of the citizens of heaven consists entirely of an incessant debate about whether it is better to have a negative or a positive score. Those very few souls whose balance sheets achieve a pure score of zero are sent straight to hell.

More information on this artist:
Danny Birchall blog


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